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Welcome to the Clinical Research Team page.


The team is made up of two main sections:    

* Research and Development: based at the Education Centre

* Clinical Research Facility: based at 8 Sycamore Drive 


However some of the team work within the main Chesterfield Royal hospital.


The LEM for Research is Emma Moakes:

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Research at Chesterfield Royal


At Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust we believe that participation in research is an integral part of our mission to deliver quality healthcare to our local community.

As a hospital our involvement in research gives our patients extra choices, choices they may not otherwise have had.

It gives the choice to help shape practice for the future, the choice to help answer long standing medical questions, the choice to help in developing new treatments that are potentially more effective or have fewer side effects, and the choice of trying an alternative treatment that may otherwise not have been available to them.

Although not all participants will benefit directly from taking part in research studies, they will, in some measure, be contributing positively to future developments in healthcare.


To find out more information about research, our team, and useful links to our area, click on a button.

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The Recovery trial is running here at CRH. It’s the world’s largest study of COVID -19 treatments for hospitalised patients, which is also taking place in 176 other hospitals.

The study has had a tremendous impact against covid-19, having discovered three effective treatments for patients severely affected by the disease. It is thought that these have saved over a million lives worldwide. This was only possible thanks to the dedication of NHS doctors and nurse in recruiting patients, and the willingness of the patients themselves to take part.

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