
Patients no longer requiring surgery can be removed from the waiting list
Patients who have been listed incorrectly or with issues can be identifies and problems resolved
Allows forward planning of specialist needs
This could be either equipment of personal
Mdt members are involved as necessary. Patients are given the opputunity to discuss treatment and meet specialist practitioners
Reduces risk of cancelled operations
Pre operative assessment is not a new concept.
It was developed in the late 1980's.
Now seen as a vital part of a patients pathway for safe preparation for surgery
Adaquately prepares patients for surgery
Patients ideally recieve pathological investigations in a timely manner.
Adverse results can be acted on optimising patient health.
Provides patients with accurate knowledge regarding their surgery.
Gives patients the opputunity to enquire about risks and benifits.
Treatment options can be discussed so informed consent can be obtained.
For more information please contact Teresa Mcardle (teresa.mcardle@nhs.net) or the unit on 01246 513491/01246 512132