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Birth Centre/Trinity Ward/Community Midwifery/Antenatal Unit/Continuity of care

The philosophy of care is to provide women centred care with a dedicated midwife offering one to one care.  Women are offered choice, which in turn, empowers them.  Care is delivered in line with the Trusts policies and procedures, which are regularly updated in accordance with NICE guidelines and government agenda’s, such as Maternity Matters.  Midwives and students should at all times adhere to the midwifery code of professional conduct, in order to ensure the safety of mothers and babies, and to promote individualised care.

We are a maternity unit attached to a local district hospital offering 24 hour intra-partum care. Our deliveries number from 2,500-3000 per annum with up to 3000 antenatal admissions per annum. 

Chesterfield Birth Centre has  undergone a major refurbishment to upgrade its facilities. Completed in January 2010, the unit is comprised of a consultant led unit and a midwifery led unit. 

There are 8 birthing rooms in the consultant led area, one complete with a birthing pool. 

The midwifery led unit promotes normality in child birth and contains a further 4 rooms, 3 of which have birthing pools. 

Active birth is encouraged and most midwives are trained to offer aromatherapy to relieve tension, stress and aid relaxation.

We have recently introduced the K2 package which enables us to input our labour and postnatal notes electronically.

We are currently developing an antenatal package so that we will eventually become a ‘paper free unit’.


All rooms in the unit are en-suite. 

The unit also has an antenatal triage suite and an observation area. 

We also have a quiet room/bereavement suite where we can offer one to one care in a caring and compassionate environment.


Each room in the consultant led unit has individual fetal monitors that can be viewed centrally at the midwives station.


A visitors room is available and  a garden area has been developed

Student Learning Opportunities-Care Opportunities


Students will contribute to all aspects of a women’s care during the antenatal, intra-partum and postnatal period-specifically learning opportunities on the birth centre will enable the students to gain experience in both high risk and low risk intra-partum care and the day to day running of the birth centre for the women and her family.  The level of supervision by their mentor will be dependant upon their stage of training.


All women are asked for their verbal consent in having a student participate in their care, but they will also have been informed in the antenatal period that students are part of the multidisciplinary team which will contribute to their care.

Learning Resources


A teaching resource room will soon be fully functional at Chesterfield Birth Centre.  All Birth Centre Co-ordinators have their own area of expertise including Aromatherapy, Active Birth, Bereavement Counselling and Neonatal Resuscitation.


Learning Resources include:

  • Policies and Procedures File

  • Intranet and Internet Access

  • Skills Drills Workshops and Rolling Programme

  • Attendance at Labour Ward Forum

  • Obstetric and Paediatric Meetings

  • Limited Books and Journals

  • Education Centre and Library

    Other Resources Available:

Additional Opportunities and Experiences


Innovative practices or additional area’s which may be pertinent for students to experience and visit.

Innovative Practices:

  • Care of client undergoing epidural/spinal anaesthesia

  • Aromatherapy

  • Active Birth

  • Parent Education Classes

  • Venepuncture

  • Intravenous Cannulation *

  • Perineal Suturing *

  • Research Activities

  • Knowledge of Medications and Lotions-Midwifery Standing Orders

* It is anticipated that these skills will be incorporated into the third year of training.

Additional Area’s:

  • Community midwifery bases

  • Continuity of Care

  • Antenatal Triage Department

  • Sure Start

  • Mental Health

  • Secondment to Medical, General and Gynaecological Specialities


As a student you will access 24 hour care across a 7 day period, working different shift patterns in order that you are able to see a variety of learning opportunities with your supervisors.  Each student has been allocated a practice assessor in accordance with NMC guidelines. Assessors will change on a yearly basis. Student midwives will also be allocated a supervisor of midwives in accordance with NMC guidelines.


Learning Environment Managers:


Emily Bargh (Chesterfield Royal)

Contact Number: 01246 200666


Fran Hadley (Community Midwives)


Millie (Emily) Ghinn (Continuity of Care team)


Preparing for your future as a midwife


NHSE is delighted to announce the launch of a free online programme to support students to prepare for your first registered post:



These programmes include information on the transition from student into your first post as a registered professional, with advice for searching and applying for a first job, what to expect at the start, how to make the most of the early stages of your career, and much more:

  • Registering as a healthcare professional

  • Interview tips

  • Career pathways

  • Induction and preceptorship

  • Health and wellbeing


NHS Learning Hub, is free to use for all students. You can access the content at any time and can work your way through it around your university or placement workloads and schedules.


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