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Welcome to the Team

The Ward and Nursing Team


Emergency Management Unit (EMU) – is a 33 bedded unit that assesses adult medical patients. The unit is part of the Medicine and Emergency Care directorate along with the Short Stay unit. Medical patients are identified in black pen on the board.


Short Stay Unit (SSU) - provides an efficient and effective environment for the management of patients with emergency conditions, who require specific pathologies to be identifies or excluded and have a likelihood of early discharge. The unit will help minimise the clinical risk of patients presenting to A&E with occult illness, who might otherwise have been sent home inappropriately. Medical patients are identified in black pen on the board and A&E patients are in blue. Patients under A&E will be directly reviewed and discharged by the A&E Drs on the unit. These patients usually come to the unit with a ‘Proforma’ which guides practitioners on the appropriate actions for a variety of conditions. This includes conditions such as Minor Head Injury, Chest Pain and Back Pain.


We work closely with Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) with patients often being referred via the nursing practitioners and then transferred to us for further treatment – many medical investigations and treatments for acute illness and preventative health care can be performed on an ambulatory basis, including minor surgical and medical procedures. The unit offers a host of outpatient services in an environment designed to accommodate the patients who do not need an inpatient stay.


EMU & SSU can be very daunting at times, as it can be very acute, but hopefully it will be a valuable experience for you as a student. Your assessor/supervisor will be with you to provide support, if you have any issues that cannot be resolved by your supervisor/assessor please see the learning environment manager.




  • You will receive an induction into your work area to ensure you are familiar with the environment and are able to practice safely.

  • We will discuss your learning needs and outcomes at the beginning of the Placement.

  • We will provide an environment conducive to meet identified individual student learning needs, which is also safe and healthy.

  • During your placement you will be allocated a supervisor and an assessor to work alongside.

  • The supervisor and assessor will be a qualified practitioner who will assist and support you during your clinical work.

  • Your assessor will assess your performance against your course learning outcomes and provide feedback to help you develop your skills.

  • You will receive supervision during your clinical practice.

  • You will be a valued member of the multidisciplinary team during your placement and can expect support from all our colleagues.

  • We will listen to your feedback about your placement and will respond to any issues raised confidentially and sensitively.

  • ​



  • We expect you to arrive on time for planned shifts and any other activity identified by the assessor or

  • delegated supervisor.

  • We expect you to ensure your supervisor is aware of your learning outcomes for the placement and specific learning needs.

  • We expect you to act in a professional manner.

  • We expect you to dress in accordance with your College / University uniform policy, and also in

  • accordance with the Trust dress code.

  • You should inform your supervisor or delegated person if you are unwell and not able to attend your

  • placement. The process for how to do this will be covered on your induction to the ward/ initial interview.

  • We expect you to always maintain and respect confidentiality. This applies to patients, their records and discussions between the student and the supervisor/assessor.

  • We would like you to raise any issues regarding your placement with your supervisor/assessor or the Ward Manager if this is not possible you should contact your link tutor/placement co-ordinator.

  • Your supervisor/assessor will be responsible for your assessment, co-ordination of learning and personal support.

Ward Shift Patterns


12hr Day: 07:30 – 20:00

12hr Night: 19:30 – 08:00



Contact Numbers:

01246 512625

01246 513712

  • Twitter Social Icon

Ward Leaders: Stacey Clark and Jo Oldale


LEM: Bec Hall


Any Questions? Please contact:  or


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